How To Clean Outdoor Plastic Furniture

How To Clean Outdoor Plastic Furniture

Be it the interior or exterior Of your home, There are many options in the market in terms of looks, Colors, And materials. One material that is very popular in both areas is plastic. Plastic furniture is often cheaper than competitors such as wood, metal, or fabric. Colors and shapes also tend to be varied because they are easier and cheaper to produce. Then you know how to clean outdoor plastic furniture.

There are other benefits to choosing plastic furniture, such as its weather and water resistance, child and pet protection, and durability against damage and natural wear and tear. A significant advantage Of furniture, especially for those with children And pets, Is that it is easy to clean. Compared to wood and fabric, it is definitely a breeze to clean. However, It is not immune to damage, And if you want your plastic furniture to look its best for As long as possible, You should know the right way to clean and maintain it.

Preparing the materials

Clean Outdoor Plastic Furniture

Outdoor furniture is a popular addition to many homes. It offers A great way to enjoy nature And the outdoors while still enjoying the comforts Of your home. However, Cleaning outdoor furniture can be difficult, Especially if it is made of plastic.

Collect all necessary supplies

  • Old towels or clothes
  • Soft drink
  • A vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment
  • Rag
  • Baking soda
  • Broom or brass

Mix A Cleaning Solution 

Mix A Cleaning Solution outdoor Plastic Furniture

Outdoor furniture is often the most neglected when it comes to cleaning, but it doesn’t have to be. You can clean your outdoor furniture with A mixture Of dish soap and water.

Mix one part dish soap with two parts water in a bucket and use a sponge or rag to scrub the furniture. Rinse the furniture with clean water and dry it before storing it for next year.

Mix An Oxygen Bleach Solution 

Clean Outdoor Plastic Furniture

Oxygen bleach is a powerful cleaning agent that can be used to remove stains from outdoor plastic furniture.

To clean outdoor plastic furniture, you will need:

  • Oxygen bleach solution
  • the water
  • A clean cloth

It is often the case that outdoor furniture gets stained easily and needs a thorough cleaning now and then. You can use an oxygen bleach solution to whiten dirty and stained furniture. It is important to mix an oxygen bleach solution with water in a ratio of one part oxygen bleach for every five parts of water.

Simply mix the two ingredients in a bucket and apply to the surface of your furniture. Let it sit for about 20 minutes, Then scrub with A brush, Rinse and dry.


Apply The Oxygen Bleach Solution


Apply The Oxygen Bleach Solution

Oxygen Bleach Solution is a natural, non-toxic, and eco-friendly solution for cleaning plastic furniture.

Cheap and readily available, it’s the perfect solution for cleaning your outdoor furniture.

For best results, follow these steps:

1) Mix one part oxygen bleach solution with nine parts water in a bucket

2) Soak it outdoor furniture in the solution for 10 minutes

3) Scrub with a brush or sponge

4) Rinse thoroughly with water and dry with A towel

This solution is made up of hydrogen peroxide and oxygenated water, which creates oxygen bubbles that lift dirt from the surface.

Cleaning Plastic Furniture With Vinegar

Cleaning Plastic Furniture With Vinegar

Vinegar is an excellent cleaning agent for plastics. It works best if applied directly to the surface and allowed to sit overnight, or longer if necessary, until the surface dries. To avoid scratching the surface, use a soft brush before applying the vinegar. Vinegar is also effective in removing mildew, mold and dirt, Its antifungal qualities make it ideal for disinfecting food contact surfaces, including cutting boards, table tops and countertops.

Cleaning Upholstery With Baking Soda And Water

Clean Outdoor Plastic Furniture

Mix 1/8 cup of baking soda with 1 gallon Of water. Spray the mixture on the cleaned surface and let it sit overnight. Scrubbing will remove soap scum and stains and the solution will not damage the surface. If Any residue remains, wipe it Off with A paper towel.

Using Citrus Juice

Using Citrus Juice Clean Outdoor Plastic Furniture

Mix together equal parts lemon juice and white vinegar. Apply the mixture to the stain and use a sponge/ rag. Let sit overnight. Remove it the next morning. Wash twice a week until the stain disappears.

Use a soft bristle brush to get under the these furniture fabric cushions. Wash brushes after each use. Use bleach only on leather furniture.

Soap Solution

Soap Solution

Mix 1/8 cup of dish soap with 2 quarts of water in a bucket. Dip a brush in the mixture and then scrub your outdoor furniture where dirt has accumulated. Remove excess liquid from the brush and allow the furniture to dry completely after cleaning.

Cleaning Plastic With Vinegar

Cleaning Plastic With Vinegar

Vinegar can easily penetrate the plastic and remove dirt. To use vinegar, mix equal parts water and white vinegar. Spray the mixture onto your piece in a circular motion. Allow the piece to dry Before proceeding to the Next step.

You can use household bleach to remove stains from your plastic. Mix 1 cup of bleach with 2-3 gallons of water then. Work the solution into the stain completely, then rinse. If you want to be careful about bleaching someone’s personal information, consider going to the local pharmacy and buying liquid dish soap. Dish soap does not damage and can be a great option if you want to avoid damaging your plants.

Diatomaceous Earth

Clean Outdoor Plastic Furniture

Diatomaceous earth works well to get rid of stubborn plastic stains. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth over the stain and let it sit overnight. Wash off in the morning and wipe the piece with a damp rag.

Citric Acid

Citric Acid

Citric acid is another product that will rid your plastic of odors and stains. Mix 1 tablespoon Of citric acid in A gallon Of water And add A few drops Of food coloring. Then spray the mixture onto the surface. Let the sit for 24 hours and then rinse. Make sure to follow up with a good scrub and a wash. To prevent damage to your plant, Do not apply citrus-based products directly to the roots Of your plant.

Rinse And Dry To Clean Outdoor Plastic Furniture

Rinse And Dry To Clean Outdoor Plastic Furniture

Cleaning outdoor plastic furniture is not as easy as it seems. You need to be careful while cleaning them as some materials can be easily damaged.

The first step in cleaning outdoor plastic furniture is to rinse and dry the surface. Rinse with a hose or a pressure washer to remove any dirt and debris from the surface. If you use a pressure washer, make sure you don’t use too much force so you don’t damage the surface of the furniture. Once the surface is clean, dry it using A towel or use A leaf blower for quick drying.

1. What Kind Of Plastic Is It?

What Kind Of Plastic Is It

First, if you’re going to do any cleaning, don’t start with plastic! It may look durable but does not hold up well to harsh chemicals. You always go for wood, aluminum, steel, stone, or glass instead. But, If you have no other option (like budget-friendly options), Then plastic is the only option. If you can’t tell what kind of it is, you should check the bottom of the item – there will often be something written describing the material. In any case, Avoid using bleach, Gasoline, Paint thinner, Ammonia, Acetone, Turpentine, Or anything else that can damage the plastic.

2. How Old Is Plastic?

How Old Is Plastic

The age of plastic is important. If plastic was made before 1991, it should be treated differently than anything made after 1991. Before 1991, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) was the primary material for making household products, and PVC contain phthalates. They help maintain flexibility and stability, but they’re bad news for kids and animals. PVC can leach into food and drinks, and even small amounts of PVC can be seen in blood tests. To reduce exposure, keep children away from toys made of PVC. Make sure you wash everything thoroughly with warm water And dishwashing liquid. Dispose of toys in a safe place away from young people.

3. Should I Sand The Rest Of The Plastic?

Plastic Furniture

If you plan to further refine the plastic, use fine sandpaper and lightly rub the surface until smooth. If you are done with plastic, You can skip this step. Sanding will not affect the functionality or safety of the furniture, but it may shorten its life. Sanding may scratch the finish. When using sandpaper, Be sure to wear eye protection, As particles can travel through the air And cause irritation. See More?


When cleaning your outdoor plastic furniture, always make sure you wear protective clothing and footwear. It can be extremely hot and sharp. Always use soap and water and rinse thoroughly before drying. If you notice any stains or discoloration on your furniture, First wash them lightly to prevent damage, Then apply A stain protectant And dry completely before washing again. Hope you understand how to clean outdoor furniture.

It is also important to know How long the furniture Will take to dry. This is because If you leave A wet piece Of furniture outside, The rain will seep into the material And cause further damage.

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